
Do you ever offer in-person tutoring?


No. You may be surprised to learn how personal learning online can be when there is only one student and one teacher!


What are the benefits of virtual tutoring?

Personal:The personal and intimate nature of in-person sessions is recreated and extended in virtual sessions. 

Students can isolate themselves in a room or with headphones to block out distractions and eliminate embarrassment when taking risks in their learning- no one else knows when they make a mistake. This privacy is not always easy to accomplish if sessions were in person. The first session(s) focus on relationship building and include exploring the capabilities of virtual tools so that your child is comfortable and understands expectations. 

In most cases, families arrive at My Rockin' Tutor seeking academic support and in turn, also find a mentor for their child. Due to our one-to-one setting, students often feel comfortable revealing the challenges they face in school from academics to interpersonal relationships with peers. Their tutor feels like their personal trusted adult whose sole focus is them during their session. There's no competing with classmates or siblings for attention. 

Convenient:Occurs face-to-face via web camera from anywhere in the world. No limitations on physical location. Less stress about the physical meeting place.Easy and quick scheduling and rescheduling as needed.  

No need to tidy your home or hide pets away. No need to worry about traffic, drive anywhere, or strict pickup times. Our ability to meet isn't impacted by weather that makes roads dangerous. When the session has ended your child simply logs off and returns to in-home activities, limited parental help is needed! 

Convenient sessions I've held:

-the student was at the airport awaiting a layover 

-the student was waiting at a sibling's soccer practice

-the student was poolside- they took a break from swimming for our session and jumped right back in after 

-the student was quarantined at home due to Covid (missing school) but was asymptomatic and felt up to a session.

-the student had a guest visiting the home- the child slipped away for our brief session or invited their peer to join in as they proudly showed off!

Unique: Zoom learning in an online setting with one teacher and one child is very different than in a whole class of 20-30 students. 

We get to personalize the learning, discussions, and goals around your child! My Rockin' Tutor offers tutoring that is wrapped in mentorship. It's not just about academics, a child's emotions, and perspectives play a huge role in confidence and therefore academic success.

Time-saving:Avoid travel time, and time spent in traffic, all while multi-tasking!

 You can accomplish other goals around the home while your child participates in a session, rather than waiting for your child to finish or worrying about rushing back for pickup. Wintry weather doesn't pose the same threat to sessions when virtual. 

Hands-On: Students and tutors can use virtual materials and any physical tools they have. 

The tutor also has physical materials for demonstrations during instruction. This is accomplished using a second camera to broadcast the materials to the student, the same as a teacher would in a classroom setting. 

Technology is wonderful, but nothing replaces manipulating objects in hand for a math lesson. We'll work together to build a Tutoring Toolkit that mimics the items I'll place under my camera for demonstration. This allows your child to do exactly what I do with materials and enhance their conceptual understanding. We also make use of the ever-improving and expanding libraries of digital manipulatives too!

Unlimited possibilities: No limitation to virtual materials. With physical tools, we're limited to what we have at that moment. With virtual tools, we can adapt when the lesson changes directions based on the child's curiosity, discoveries, and newly discovered needs.

Flexible: Your child can receive tutoring from anywhere that provides internet access and a quiet space. Maintain your scheduled tutoring session regardless of travel or moving homes. In-person tutoring would require a designated clean, and quiet space in your home as well as close physical proximity for meetings.

Accessible:I can reach and teach your child no matter where you live in the world or what disability they may have. 

Creativity is our friend when determining how students with disabilities can access tutoring. If your child has a disability that could impact how they access tutoring let me know and we can work together to determine a solution. I remain in close contact with Special Education teachers who can also support our brainstorming. 

Easy:Your child just has to log in to the virtual Zoom classroom at the set time.

 Most students ultimately become independent and learn how to log themselves into their sessions. Babysitters, nannies, grandparents, aunts, and uncles generally have no problem helping to maintain our schedule when parents must leave their child in the care of another. Simply forward them the electronic link to our Zoom session and the tutor's email for communication if needed.

Engaging:Many students who struggle to focus during traditional lessons are able to attend online lessons with relative ease. 

Online lessons include hands-on games and activities. Students who struggle to attend during lessons are offered regular breaks within a session. They do an activity of their choice and return to the lesson after the break. Over time their stamina quickly develops and the need for frequent breaks decreases. 

In-person social meet-ups: Despite all the benefits listed above there's still nothing like meeting in person. Which is why I host in-person meets ups periodically throughout the year. 

I bring along books and games and continue to center joy around learning. It's a wonderful opportunity for socialization among students, parents, and tutors. The kids enjoy seeing that they aren't alone in needing extra support and new friendships have been made as a result! Meet-ups are held in a local park during the warmer months of the year offering kids the choice of academic or physical play with one another as we build community.